
Endocr Rev

NLM 缩写: Endocr Rev

NLM ID8006258 

出版国家: United States

出版地: Chevy Chase, MD

出版商: Endocrine Society

出版周期: 双月刊

创刊年份: 1980

语言: 英语 


ISSN0163-769X (印刷版)

1945-7189 (电子版)

0163-769X (ISSNLinking) 

目前收录于: IM

PubMed收录: YES 

研究领域: 内分泌


         Endocrine Reviews publishes bimonthly comprehensive, authoritative, and timely review articles balancing both experimental and clinical endocrinology themes and crystallizing the most significant clinical experience and current research in endocrinology and related areas such as cell biology, immunology, pharmacology, genetics, molecular biology, neuroscience, reproductive medicine, and pediatric endocrinology. It has the highest Impact Factor ranking of the 89 journals in the ISI category of endocrinology and metabolism. Of the total 5,684 surveyed by ISI, EDRV's Impact Factor ranking is #20.

上一篇:Journal of clinical periodontology
下一篇:Asian journal of surgery / Asian Surgical Association